The math of online dating - Christian Rudder co-founder OkCupid

I keep hearing about this online dating website called okcupid. I never done something like this but I though why not take a look at it. I created an account a few months ago to have a look at their platform. It's quite funny how this website found me 3 matches above 50% just by using my answers to a few basic questions. Do I believe in online dating? No, not at all. Am I looking for a date? No, but why not give it a try and see what this website is good at. I am curios if I would actually get to meet someone interesting.
okcupid founders say that this site is more than an online dating platform, it uses different algorithms to find you "the perfect match". Even though it is well know that people are usually drawn into each other by common interest and passions okcupid tries to go beyond that. Let's see what will happen. 

The funny thing I realized is I had no clue how to start a conversation and what to talk about. I found a person of my interest but I had no clue how to start chatting so I goggled it and found out that starting with hello has a negative impact and that statistic show that saying yo or what's up has a higher respond rate. I'm like: really?! Howdy? Howdy yoooo! (for more)

So I taught let's follow these instructions. I felt like it was a real challenge and I wasn't natural at all. My friend said I should be me which means talk like me. I did and now it's quite easier but still difficult. I am not sure what I wanna know, what I am interested in and how to keep going. Do I want us to meet? mm not sure. All I can say I think it's way harder than in real life and too complicated for my style. If anything works out I might let you know. Till then spring is on! 

"I had a date with a 94% or so match from OKCupid some time ago. We had a lot of common interests. We had read or wanted to read the same books, watched or wanted to watch the same movies, played or wanted to play the same games. We laughed about the same things. We had similar goals and aspirations in life. We had almost identical personalities. It was creepy. We never met again. True story."(feedback I found online)


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